24-hour Rhythm Holter (ambulatory electrocardiography): The continuous registry of a 24-hour electrocardiogram or a 48 hour one in an electronic memory, along with the analysis of all this data with the use of a computer, is what we call the Holter of electrocardiography.
With the Holter, different cardiological facts, which appear sporadically and cannot be registered by a simple cardiograph, can be checked, while the examinee is performing everyday tasks. The examiner wears the holter and goes home with it. The doctor removes it after 24 hours and can have a full image of the arrythmias problems of the patient (extrasystoles, bradycardia, heart palpitation). It has an absolute showcase in fainting spells or syncopal episodes and now it is a routine examination after every mild ischaemic stroke. Due to the sharp rise of prevalence of atrial fibrillation and the danger of a stroke caused by it, it is advised to put a holter as a precaution every six months to everyone over 65 years old.
24-hour ambulatory registration of Blood Pressure Holter: The 24-hour registration of blood pressure, is a portable electronic cuff which automatically counts the blood pressure every 15-30 minutes, instead of 24 hours. It is consisted of a cuff which is wrapped around your wrist and it is connected to a device which is the size of a wallet, which can be put on the belt or hang on your shoulder. The application of this technique provides the possibility of multiple counts of blood pressure away from the stressful environment of the doctor’s office. In this way, a full image of the patient’s blood pressure is acquired in the ordinary conditions of a working day (at work, at home and during sleep). The 24-hour registry of the blood pressure is not necessary in all the cases with high blood pressure but can be useful in certain cases.